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Raise money for us by selling on eBay

When you list items to sell on eBay, you can now select our charity to donate funds to.

You can choose the percentage you’d like to give, up to 100%! Every time you list an item for charity, you’ll get a fee credit on your basic insertion and final value fees equal to the percentage you donate. So if you donate 50% of your selling price to us, eBay will waive 50% of your fees. Find out more

Just add “…(ARC)” to the end of your listing and tick the box “Make a Donation” when you create your listing, select another charity and search for “Binfield”. We are listed under our long PCC name!

When your item is sold, the money will be automatically transferred through to our bank account. Easy peasy…

Check through your cupboards and see what you can get listing!