We are now at capacity for stalls for this year’s Fete! Please email us at binfieldchurchfete@gmail.com if you would like more information about reserving a stall next year.
As well as the usual Fete favourites such as the Bouncy Castle, Tea Tent, Bar and BBQ, we are looking forward to hosting the following stalls and more…

- The WI
- Bucks, Berks & Oxon Wildlife Trust
- Halsa Care Group
- Master’s Sweet Treats
- Thames Valley Wills
- Costco
- …and our church and community stalls, run by 1st Binfield Brownies, 4th Binfield Guides, Scouts, Whizz Kids (Teddy Tumble) and 7up Youth Group.

- Stalls tbc
- …and our kids and adults Tombola stalls!