How We Help…

Following the success of our local Food Bank, in 2015 we started up a ClothesBank in Bracknell. There are men, women and children of all ages in our area in need of basic clothing and shoes that they just can’t afford.

How does it work?

We have 4 give-away events throughout the year to give out seasonal clothes to those who need them via a referral/voucher system. We usually help clothe between 50-60 people at each event, plus emergency referrals during the year for around another 40 people. Some of our clients are referred from Berkshire Women’s Aid and have nothing but the clothes they come wearing. Individuals and families are supported regardless of faith or beliefs.

We send out updated requests for clean clothing donations via the Beacon and church newsletter, just before each giving event.  We usually have specific needs and will list gender and sizes. For hygiene reasons, we also have special drives for brand new items at certain times of the year (although these are also welcome at any time): Jim-Jam January, Socks September and Knickers November!

For more information and to volunteer your time please contact: Gisele 07724889169. Also check the latest edition of the Beacon for any current needs.

Thank you to all our previous donors and sponsors including: the CoOp (who generously provide food for our clients at the giveaways), Danetti, Waitrose, Tesco and to Newbold College for the loan of their minibus.

How can YOU help?

Donate your clean clothes:
Please bring your unwanted clothes in a condition that you would clothe your own family.
When and Where:
They can be dropped off at any time on the bench or by the door at the Rectory (on Terrace Road North) or St. Mark’s Church Office during open hours (9am-1pm Tues-Thursday term time).

Donate your time:
We need volunteers behind the scenes and ‘front of house’ before and during each giving event.

Donate your money:
Any money donated will go towards buying new underwear and items that are in high demand.

Our Giveaways
Take place four times a year in:
– January
– April
– July
– October