Did you know that volunteering reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine?!

By spending time in service to others, volunteers report feeling a sense of meaning and appreciation, both given and received, which can have a stress-reducing effect. So everybody wins!

You may have skills that fit a particular role or you may provide that essential pair of extra hands at one of our services. It all depends on how much time you would like to give, so please have a look below to get some ideas.

Apart from Luke our vicar and Daisy who manages the Youth element of our church, everything we do relies entirely on volunteers, so we hugely appreciate any time anyone has to help our church thrive!

If you have skills not mentioned below or you would like to find out more information, we would love to hear from you. Please call or email Hayley in the office who will be able to pass you details on to the right person. There are also contact details listed below for some of the activities.

There is a wide range of roles you could get involved in to support the smooth running of our services each week. If you are new to the church then joining one of these teams is a great way to meet people.

It always makes us happy to add another name onto our team rotas for:

  • Welcoming
  • Reading and Prayers
  • Refreshments (tea & coffee) after the services
  • Flower arranging
  • Pastoral care
  • Cleaning
  • Car park marshaling

If you like singing, we have a wonderful choir you can join, led by Michael Hawkins.

To find out more or be added to one of these rotas please contact Hayley at the Church office on 01344 421079 or email the office at office@binfieldcofechurch.org.uk.

In addition to the Sunday services, we have a number of services and groups which run throughout the month, all of which are managed by volunteers. These include the Silver Service for our retired members which needs hospitality support and 3G for babies and toddlers which runs on Wednesdays where more helpers are always welcome!

We have our annual Church Fete in September. Again, if you are new to the church this is a great way to get involved and meet plenty of people. There is a wide range of roles and no experience is needed!

We also organise other events during the year, including fundraising events, and would appreciate any help with planning or helping out on the day.

Daisy Osinaike is our Children’s and Youth worker. She manages Whizz kids (School Years 1 to 6) on a Sunday and the Youth group for teenagers (Years 7 to 13) on Wednesday evenings.

If you would like to help with our Youth groups, please contact her at youth@binfieldcofechurches.org.uk

If you have experience as a Health and Safety Officer, Fire Officer, manage buildings or their maintenance, or just enjoy a little bit of DIY, we would love to hear from you.

We are in the process of welcoming our new Treasurer and payroll provider. If you enjoy numbers, there is the opportunity to help manage our Gift Aid donations (a critical part of our income) and we would welcome any additional support for our finance team.