Daisy Osinaike Children’s & Youth worker

Whizz Kids

Whizz Kids is a Sunday morning group for children in primary school, where we play games and sport, get creative with craft, and learn about God together. It is open to anyone, whether you live in the village or further out, and you are welcome to come along and try it out. We also run regular outings and events throughout the year, so feel free to email Daisy if you would like more information.


When and where? Sunday mornings (except the first Sunday of the month) 10:45-12:15am at St. Mark’s Church, RG42 4AH

Dates for this half term:

April 21st and 28th
May 12th June 9th, 23rd and 30th July 14th and 21st

7UP Youth Group

7UP is a youth group for anyone in secondary school, where we have sports and games, xbox gaming, tuck shop and toasties, and a creative space! We meet on Wednesday evenings to hang out, build relationships and create a safe space for young people to be themselves.

When and where? Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm (during term time) at St. Mark’s Church, RG42 4AH.

Dates for this term:
April 17th and 24th
May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
June 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th July 10th and 17th

For more info please contact Daisy at youth@binfieldcofechurches.org.uk