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We are incredibly blessed to be the custodians of our two beautiful churches in Binfield: All Saints’ at the North end and St. Mark’s to the South, and of our Parish Cemetery.

All Saints’ Church, Binfield
A Grade II* listed building, the origins of which date back to Norman times, All Saints’ is currently used for Sunday worship, baptisms, weddings, funerals and special events such as Remembrance Day and Christingle.
Maintaining a Grade II* Listed building is a continual and expensive endeavour. Nevertheless, it is crucial so that we retain our historic and cultural heritage. And for All Saints’, a place of worship and congregation for almost a 1000 years, the continuation of that worship.

St. Mark’s Church, Binfield
Built in 1867 and Grade II listed, St Mark’s is ideal for more intimate worship, group activities and our acclaimed outreach programs that are invaluable to the less fortunate and vulnerable in our community.
Despite being a much younger than All Saints’, St Mark’s still requires continued maintenance to ensure it is fit for purpose; allowing the community of Binfield to use and enjoy and to provide a sanctuary to those within our community that have nowhere to call home.

The Binfield Cemetery at Stubbs Hill
We are also responsible for taking care of the local cemetery, which has been in use since 1888 and in which any one in the Parish is entitled to be buried if they so wish.
This is another space which is in need of care and attention, not only for being the special place it is for many people, but also as we are now expanding into a new part of the cemetery.
These spaces all require our ongoing care and attention to ensure they can continue to serve the community. This is why we have our Church Care Project.