What is the PCC?
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Binfield (aka Binfield PCC) is the legal body which is responsible for the actions and decisions made to keep our Churches running, alongside the Vicar, Churchwardens and Deanery Synod representatives. We are registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (number 1149382).
What’s Involved?
The PCC usually meets ten times a year on a Monday evening. Eight of these are regular meetings, one is the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) and the other an Away Day where more strategic ideas concerning the church are discussed.
The PCC might find itself making decisions about:
- Ministry and mission
- Money matters
- Pastoral care
- Legal matters
- Church buildings and land
- Social and community concerns
- Worship
- Safeguarding
- Staffing
- Anything else to do with the church!
Who Can Join ?
Anyone can join the PCC who is…
- at least sixteen years of age;
- on the Electoral Roll of the Parish for at least six months
- and not disqualified (because of laws about charity trustees, safeguarding etc)
There are 15 member positions for the Parish of Binfield and each run for a 3 year term.
We currently have vacancies, so if you’d like to get more involved with the running of our churches, please get in touch! You can see who are current members are here.